
Fadenalgen Aquarium Fische

Fadenalgen Aquarium Fische

Filamentous Algae Self-Sustaining Aquarium

Additionally, I'm experimenting with string algae in plastic bottle nurseries to see if they can be used in stand-alone aquariums with fish. I have found string algae growing in streams and standing water in ponds in Central Park NYC year round, even under the ice. Here, I'm breaking the ice to get a sample of string algae. String algae grow extremely quickly, creating a web that takes up any size aquarium space, from a tiny string that you may not even be able to see at first. Previously, I had established that my dwarf guppies feed on string algae. Then I set up nurseries to test if the string algae are growing fast enough to provide enough food for the guppies breeding families. And I wouldn't have to feed them at all ;)

Long story short, string algae grows faster than my guppies can eat them. Seed shrimp hide from fish and breed in the thicket of string algae. The guppies nibble on string algae and chase shrimp seeds that venture out of the protective net. For the purposes of the experiment, I let string algae grow as much as possible. String algae grow in a thick mesh taking up all available space and leaving no room for guppies to swim. The thick mesh of string algae has become a deadly trap for any fish, even strong adult fish, trapped in it. It has become apparent that this type of filamentous algae, as much as I like it, cannot be used in my freestanding aquariums. The end of this experience is the beginning of another ;)

In fact, a number of experiments :)

I build new generations of self-sustaining aquariums, in which I experiment with another type of filamentous algae better known as Marimo ball.

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# Video | Fadenalgen Aquarium Fische

  • Fuzz Algae
  • What Eats Filamentous Algae Aquarium
  • Thread Algae
  • Algae In Aquarium
  • Black Beard Algae

Algen Aquarium Fische

2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Fadenalgen Aquarium Welche Fische

String Or Thread Algae?

It's pretty heavily planted, so I guess that makes sense. I don't seem to eat it. The only solution I found to get rid of it was the daily dosage of Excel x2 (or x3...depending on the amount). Right now I dose 2x Excel every other day and it seems to work for me. Hope this helps....

Aquarium Algen Fische Sterben

We Added One Algae Eater And Whole Tank Is Now Dying 4 Days Later.

I'm so sorry this happened ☹️

Ok honestly I would clean and sanitize everything (no soap) and start over because we don't know if it was the algae or a disease or both that killed your fish. Take the time to properly run your tank with an ammonia source before adding new fish and research any fish you might be interested in buying BEFORE buying to make sure they are compatible with each other. others and adapted to the size of your tank.

# Images | Fadenalgen Aquarium Fische - Staghorn Algae

Diatoms Aquarium - Do Algae Eaters Float When They Die

Fadenalgen Aquarium Fische - Aquarium White Hair Algae 1 Save

Filamentous Algae Control - Thread Algae

Fadenalgen Aquarium Fische - Siamese Algae Eater Dying 2 Save


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